All programs in the Hands On Genetics set are stand-alone programs.  Versions are available for Windows (most varieties) and for the Macintosh (Classic only).

While all programs will run immediately after downloading, some of the programs benefit from being set up for particular classes or exercises.  Particular programs in this category are:




Programs where some less important changes can be made before running are:




For detailed instructions on how to set up programs, please consult the Mendelsim teachers' instructions.  The process involves registering at this web site and then nominating exercises from within the program.

Technical note

The password and parameter information are carried in different ways in the Windows and Macintosh versions of the programs. In the Windows versions, the setup information for all programs resides a file called 'HoG.key', which also carries the registration information.  Any changes made to the setup versions of the program will be passed on with the altered HoG.key file. 

In the Macintosh versions of the program, any setup information is carried in resource files of the programs themselves. The changed programs, together with the HoG.key file containing registration information, need to be distributed to any students using the setup programs.